Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Function call – stack implementation

I like to share in depth of how stack grows and how it look like.
Lets take the below example,


int foo(int a, int b, int c) {

        int sum = 0;

        sum = a + b + c;

        return sum;


int main() {


        return 0;


When you compile and run this code, crt0 will load your file into memory and check for the entry to get start. By default entry is main so the function get start from main() function. Inside main() function we have called function foo(), so the caller is main() and callee is foo(). After executing the statements in foo(), it need to return back to main(), i.e the one who calls(caller). The scope of the variable defined inside the function is limited to lifetime of the function. In order to avoid violation, the two dedicated CPU registers ebp(Base Pointer), esp(Stack Pointer) control its. So how does the two register control scope of variable and function calls. Here is pictorial representation of Caller calling callee and how the stack get updated.

From the above figure, I have mentioned Higher address and Lower address too show that the stack grows but in downward. So when Caller calls Callee it PUSH the argument from right to left into stack and it left a WORD size for return. If Callee return value greater than size of WORD then return hold the address of location where it getting stored. Base pointer is otherwise knows as frame pointer for the function, and stack pointer hold the maximum limit of the function. Whenever you call PUSH the stack pointer get updated first and value is loaded next. When you return back from callee the base pointer and stack pointer get updated to the caller. But the callee’s content are still in memory which may be override when caller call another function or swapping happens. During unwinding phase it doesn’t update the stack with zero.

Here is some questions to think.

1. When you defined an array inside a function how it get assigned into memory, whether index zero pushed first or the index last?

2. When you implement a recursive function did you face a stack over flow? If so how will you find the stack size(RLIMIT)? – getrlimit()

3. Create a function foo() which return datatype int, define a variable foo_i of datatype int inside foo with value 100 to it and return foo_i. Similarly define another function bar() same as foo() and variable bar_i similar to foo_i but undefined. Increment the bar_i and return bar_i. Consolidate the both foo() and bar() returns to a variable and print it.

Oops!! I haven’t explained the code written on the top. will leave that as an assignment to you.

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